Envoirnmental Engineering and Sewerage
Download: Wastewater engineering treatment and reuse by Metcalf and Eddy 4th Ed
Download: Nitrate and nitrite in drinking water by WHO
Download: Total dissolved solids in drinking water by WHO
Lab experiments
To determine biological oxygen demand in domestic waste water
To determine chemical oxygen demand in water
To determine amount of dissolved oxygen in water
To determine amount of nitrogen in water sample
Complete environmental engineering II lab manual
Sewerage system design:
Download full report+ excel worksheet for design of sewerage network of society
Lecture slides
Lec1 Wastewater_Collection_System
Lec3 Partially_full_sewers_Numericals
Lec_6 Construction_of_Sewers_and_Bedding
Lec7 Design_of_Pumping_Station
Lec8 Wastewater_Characteristics
Lec 15 Design of Secondary Clarifier)
Lec 16 On site – Sanitation Treatment
Lec 17 Environmental impact assessment