Applied Hydrology MSC
Hydrology Books
Download: Engineering Hydrology by K Subramanya 3rd ed.
Download: Solution Manual Engineering Hydrology by K Subramanya 3rd ed.
Download: Surface water hydrology by N.M. Awan
Download: Applied hydrology by Ven Te Chow, David R. Maidment and Larry W. Mays
Download: Concise Hydrology by Dawei Han
Download: Engineering Hydrology by Yilma Seleshi
Download: Engineering Hydrology by Dr. Aqeel Al Adili
Download: Essentials of Meteorology An invitation to atmosphere by C. Donald Ahrens 3rd ed.
Download: Handbook of hydrology by David R. Maidment
Download: Hydrology for engineers by Ray K. Linsley, Max A. Kohler and Joseph L.H. Paulhus
Download: Hydrology Principles, Analysis and Design by H.M. Raghunath
Download: Introduction to hydrology by Warren Viesmann and Gary L. Lewis
Download: Manual on estimation of probable maximum precipitation by WMO
Download: Technical guide River and stream systems: Flooding Hazard limit Ontario
Download: Flood hydrology manual A water resources technical publication by USBR
Applied Hydrology Lectures
1_Introduction to applied hydrology
2_Global energy and water cycle
5_Canopy interception, depression storage and infiltration
7b Numerical solution of Saint Venant’s equations
Global energy and water cycles
Applied hydrology notes
1. Principles of water resources engineering (Surface and ground water resources)
2. Principles of water resources engineering (Concepts of planning water resources development)
3. Principles of water resources engineering (National policy for water resources development)
5. The science of surface and ground water (Precipitation and evapotranspiration)
6. The science of surface and ground water (Runoff and infiltration)
7. The science of surface and ground water (Rainfall runoff relationships)
8. The science of surface and ground water (Design flood estimation)
9. The science of surface and ground water (Subsurface movement of water)
10. The science of surface and ground water (Principles of ground water flow)
11. The science of surface and ground water (Well hydraulics)
12. The science of surface and ground water (Flow dynamics in open channels and rivers)
13. The science of surface and ground water (Geomorphology of rivers)
14. The science of surface and ground water (Sediment dynamics in alluvial rivers and channels)